Friday, November 26, 2010

Blu Charms Santa While The Girls Strike A Pose

With the holiday shopping season officially underway,
Blu doesn't waste any time telling his *wish list* to Santa.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Peeps and Paws!

I'm thankful for...

1) My boy Blu
2) The One-Eye Beast
3) A special Pig
4) Doguroo (best place on earth)
5) Galla's pizza (a little slice of Buffalo right here in Atlanta)
6) The Bitter Baking Company (tasty cookies with a bite)
7) The Jeep still running on all 6 cylinders (fingers and paws crossed)
8) Hell's Kitchen and Glee
9) Dog advocates and rescues everywhere
10) You

Happy Thanksgiving from the SWD Crew!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Name that Fetching Tag!

It's time to play a little game I call: "Name That Fetching Tag!"
Fetching Tags are custom made pet ID tags. They are super lightweight and in a word, PAWSOME!

I recently had a Beauty Queen tag made for the one-eye beast and it fits her pawfectly!

Now, Piggie needs a Fetching Tag and this is where my no-decision-making rumpus needs your help!

What do you think Piggie's Fetching Tag should say?

To help get creative juices flowing, here are a few photos of the sweet, silly, playful, snuggly, Pig.

All suggestions are welcome and encouraged.
Oh and one last thing...
Piggie sends a big smooch to say thanks!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Piggie's Identity Crisis

After living in the SWD house for three weeks,
Piggie struggles with her identity.

Piggie or rabbit?
You make the call.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Pawsome Update: Tenchi has a Furever Home!

During Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable Pet week in September, I wrote a blog entry about a sweet, special girl named Tenchi. I instantly fell in love with her and after spending three years at PAWS Atlanta, Tenchi's day arrived!

Yesterday I stumbled upon this announcement on PAWS Atlanta's Facebook page:

The BEST NEWS EVER!!!! Hope you are sitting down....... Our wonderful, perfect dog Tenchi just got adotped!!!!!! She was here for an unbelievable 3 long years and now she has found her very own forever family!!!!! There are lots of happy tears flowing at PAWS Atlanta!!!!

Check out a happy Tenchi in her new home...

Streaming down my face are
Tears of joy for Tenchi
Tears of hope for all those just like her.