Saturday, October 9, 2010

Blu Seizes the Moment

When I said to Blu last week, seize the moment, I didn't mean it literally. Unfortunately that is exactly what happened. My 12-year old boy had a full on seizure and well, I almost had a heart attack. Talk about scary.

Dr. Matt Miller at Village Vets gave my old guy a thorough exam and ran some tests - thankfully, the results were all considered good. And while we don't know the cause of Blu's seizure, we hope it never happens again!

Here is Blu waiting for his pawsome doc. (We heart him)

Blu resting the day he seized the moment.

Blu hangin' with me on the bed. (day after seizure)

And, here is Blu just four days later... with his much younger sister.

Blu clearly bounced back from his seizure quicker than I have.

Click on the link for more info about seizures in dogs provided by the Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine


  1. Sure Hope that Blu is Ok! Seizures can be really Scary, mom's sister human has seizures. Have a good weekend
    Your friends at The Life with 5 Dogs House

  2. We heart Blu -- he is my husband's first son you know

  3. Seizures are scary to watch. Hope he is better now. I am following you from the sat pet blog hop...Please come and follow me back

  4. That sounds really scary! I am so glad Blu is OK.

    Your pal, Pip

  5. I really hope that was a one time event. Rest up Blu. You might find this article and diet and seizures helpful.

  6. I'm reading my way through your blog, and if I understand correctly, you foster these dogs? ANyway, it's clear you are loving and nurturing, and anyone who takes the time to love an animal is automatically a good person. It's a rule. I read it somewhere!

  7. Yikes, that's really scary. I'm glad Blu is feeling much more like himself, now. Dogs always seem to recover so much faster than people, don't they?

  8. Thanks y'all for checking-in and for all the well wishes for Blu! I am thrilled to report he is doing great.

    5 Dogs - Thanks! Hope you had a great weekend too.

    Pip - Thanks buddy!

    Homespun Loft - Thanks for the well wishes and follow, we are now following you too.

    Miss Kodee - Thanks for the link. Blu is currently eating grain-free food, but I'm examining the ingredients further.

    Sandra - The only foster of the group was my beloved Donkey, I'm grateful he was a *foster failure* ;-) - thanks for reading the SWD blog, hope you enjoy!

    Kristine - It truly is amazing. I'm still watching Blu like a hawk and he is just chillin' and relaxin'

    Lisa - please tell your husband (aka my brother) thanks for checkin'in on his nephewdog!

  9. We hope Blu is ok! We are new followers from the sat blog hop!
